Angewandte Festival, Vienna – 29.6.2021
Film Still
Duo Duett Duell
Object in public space / performance
with Selina Rottmann
A sensual characteristic of a special kind appeared to be the frequent "unmotivated wind, which suddenly attacks you furiously, you don't know why and from where" (Julius Rodenberg, Neue Freie Presse, 1873). It gave Vienna the reputation of being the windiest of all cities, with a persistent "great draught".
Windsocks are used wherever exact data is less important than an easily interpretable, quickly graspable indication of wind conditions. The principle of the windsock was already used in ancient times for the army standard draco ("dragon"), where dragon-shaped sacks were mounted on lances to intimidate the enemy both visually and acoustically, by the resulting hiss of the wind.