Selected Projects
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i look up, i look down...
to fly through the mouths of men
(On rit)
la chambre de verre
une mauvaise pensée...
Jolly container
La pensée de l’écrivain...
From the house, from...
Slide it slowly, [...] you'll...
full of glitter, [...] our...
Alleine im Vereine mit Anderen
Tierra del Humo
To Bid Farewell to Titans
Spring… / in bloom…
Als Ensemble
Distant Lover
A lot of my work chases a sense of multiplicity. Moments that, like reversible figures, host an unstable togetherness of different times, bodies and places. Through sculpture and installation, performance and music, I’m seeking to bridge analog and digital realms, fold global into local structures, braid pasts into presents and futures. How are spaces modulated and stratified through technologies as well as economic, political and social practices? What bodies inhabit these layered and often discontinuous territories? How does one navigate through them? What histories are inscribed into their becoming? My often research informed practice is a drift through a heterogenious terrain. Surfing along the histories and issues of navigation, acoustics, public space, labour, representation, bureaucracy, infrastructure, cartography or geography, I aim to reflect upon the kinds of spatialities that surround us as well as the sorts of landscapes, objects, bodies and subjectivities these produce.
Exhibitions / Performances / curatorial Projects i.a. at
2024 SYSTEMA 2024 Marseille w/ Laurenz Space, Neuer Kunstverein Wien, Space n.n. Munich, Collegium Artisticum Sarajevo, Schloss Goldegg, GWL Bregenz, Austrian Sculpture Park
2023 Kunstraum SUPER, Sussudio, Ephemeros Vienna, impuls. 8th Festival for Contemporary Music, Mis Cenizas Vienna, Artexpo New York, Kollektiv Kaorle Vienna, Heizhaus Nürnberg, amatter Berlin
2022 Kunststiftung Baden Württemberg Stuttgart, Kunstverein Alte Schmiede Vienna, rrr - Bar to Reinforce Electrical Colors, Werkstatthaus Stuttgart, TONSPUR_festival, The Dessous, Parallel Vienna, Smallforms, Transit Vienna, Sharp Projects Copenhagen
2021 Corporeal Constellations – with Black Page Orchestra at ORF Radiokulturhaus, Ö1 Zeit-Ton, Wagenhallen Stuttgart, Alte Schmiede Vienna, Sonic Territories - Festival for Sound Art & Exploratory Music Vienna
2020 NOISE/SILENCE at Villa Schapira Vienna, AIL – Angewandte Innovation Lab Vienna, Anatolia Schnitzel Vienna, Äquidistanz festival Vienna, Parallel Vienna Art Fair, Klangraum Festival Stuttgart 2020
2019 Wirklichkeitskongress (Staatsoper, Stuttgart), eventuell. Connected19 (Zurich, Basel, Luzern, Olten), Bundesjugendakademie Trossingen, Südseite Nachts (Theaterhaus, Stuttgart), Musikschule Heidenheim, FITZ Stuttgart, HuMBASE Stuttgart, Dschungel Vienna, Future Clinic for critical care – ImPulsTanz
2018 Acht Brücken / Musik für Köln, TAUT Stuttgart, Junge Oper Stuttgart, Darmstädter Ferienkurse für Neue Musik (Workshop), Richtfest Radolfzell, Performance Garten (Köln), Aural Apparati (Kunstraum34, Stuttgart), Oper Stuttgart
2017 Transart Festival Bozen, Kyung Hee Composition Festival Seoul, Klangraum Festival Stuttgart, LOTTE Travel (Projektraum Lotte) Stuttgart, Stuttgarter Filmwinter, Stromraum Stuttgart, Querulanzsymposium Stuttgart, impuls festival (workshop programm), Schlag auf Schlag Festival Mühlheim an der Donau, Invading Pleasures (Kunstraum34) Stuttgart
2016 Donaueschinger Musiktage - Next Generation Programm, Unerhörte Musik Berlin, WERFT-Festival Köln, Sanatta Görünürlük Festival Istanbul, The Essence Wien, Off-theater Wien, Wow! Signal Wien, Sommer in Stuttgart, Fitz Stuttgart
2015 NEXUS Festival Leeds, Mo.ë Wien, Off-theater Wien
2014 Ö1 Hörspielstudio, Stummfilmfestival Groß Gerungs
2013 Junge Kunst Parcours, Ö1 Track 5 – Kurzhörspielwettbewerb
2012 Internationale Biennale des zehnten Theatertreffens „Therapie und Theater“ Lodz, 3raum-Anatomietheater
Scholarships & Residencies
2023 WAFF residency, Gresten, organized by Daniel Hüttler and Iris Fabre
2019 Startstipendium für Musik und darstellende Kunst by the Federal Chancellery of Austria
2018 Scholar of Composition at the Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg
I studied at the State University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna and the Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Lyon with Martin Schüttler, Marko Ciciliani, Philippe Hurel and Christian Minkowitsch. In 2023 I graduated from the TransArts master program at the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
As Perspektivenbox, I collaborate with Ui-Kyung Lee since 2016.